Monday, January 11, 2010

Foam Packing Peanuts Is There A Good Way To Dispose Of Those Foam "peanuts" Used As Packing Material?

Is there a good way to dispose of those foam "peanuts" used as packing material? - foam packing peanuts

Use them as extra insulation in the attic. Save to send something to a friend.


P X said...

Give it away! There are always people looking for packing and small critters are expensive! You can send a free recycling group to catch up!

M J said...

find someone who likes to lay your hands - like me - self-employed and I do all the time - so it is free and Recycling is the best ultimate solution for both! It would be better than buying them NEW! (as often as I did in the past) questions around - your friends probably know someone who many of the navigation (eg, eBay sellers) and would be happy to have them. "If you are a gardener or indoor plants, for the background Fill the pots for better drainage impressive to root rot if over the water to help prevent.

LittleFr... said...

I do not know, but I see them on craigslist all the time. You can call a local UPS store and ask if they are recycleble / be reused?

nswblue said...

Recycling! @ ~

great gig in the sky said...

Getting an elephant foam.

Mark said...

Save for future use.

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